Feb 27, 2018
Don Allison Says what awaits us after death is mankind’s greatest unanswered question.
Until his 50s Don didn’t pay much attention to death. But after purchasing a historic house and having continual, intelligent contact with apparent spirits – and having similar encounters at the historic Civil War battlefield...
Feb 26, 2018
Dr Karen Phillip has clients all over the world and as a recognised Counselling Psychotherapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Parenting and Relationship Expert she frequently appears in all forms of media also around the world.
At a turning point in her life when Karen wanted to change the way she ran her practice, so...
Feb 22, 2018
Mary Helen Conroy is a Reinvention Life Coach for those in midlife and pre-retirement when many changes occur. Some are not surprising, some are and some you have no idea how to handle.
Having reinvented herself many times, from a career as a public library administrator and building consultant, a sales executive and...
Feb 19, 2018
Kevin Huhn says many mid-lifers today are finding themselves pushing against the wall never thinking life would ‘turn out like this’. Kevin knows he was there too.
With so many things to sort out, having a plan for rediscovering their passion and purpose seemed and seems, a distant goal or one they have never...
Feb 15, 2018
Alan Stevens Asks how many people reach 50 only to realise they’ve lived their life to other people’s expectations and needs? Alan realised that on his 50th birthday he had not fulfilled his dreams. That ‘Ah Ah’ moment came when he decided to change his focus to himself, which he quickly says is not...